As a variable:
var closureName: (ParameterTypes) -> ReturnType
As an optional variable:
var closureName: ((ParameterTypes) -> ReturnType)?
As a type alias:
typealias ClosureType = (ParameterTypes) -> ReturnType
As a constant:
let closureName: ClosureType = { ... }
As a parameter to another function:
funcName(parameter: (ParameterTypes) -> ReturnType)
Note: if the passed-in closure is going to outlive the scope of the method, e.g. if you are saving it to a property, it needs to be annotated with @escaping.
As an argument to a function call:
funcName({ (ParameterTypes) -> ReturnType in statements })
As a function parameter:
array.sorted(by: { (item1: Int, item2: Int) -> Bool in return item1 < item2 })
As a function parameter with implied types:
array.sorted(by: { (item1, item2) -> Bool in return item1 < item2 })
As a function parameter with implied return type:
array.sorted(by: { (item1, item2) in return item1 < item2 })
As the last function parameter:
array.sorted { (item1, item2) in return item1 < item2 }
As the last parameter, using shorthand argument names:
array.sorted { return $0 < $1 }
As the last parameter, with an implied return value:
array.sorted { $0 < $1 }
As the last parameter, as a reference to an existing function:
array.sorted(by: <)
As a function parameter with explicit capture semantics:
array.sorted(by: { [unowned self] (item1: Int, item2: Int) -> Bool in return item1 < item2 })
As a function parameter with explicit capture semantics and inferred parameters / return type:
array.sorted(by: { [unowned self] in return $0 < $1 })
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